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Jul 2Liked by Bob Riel

I too am at a loss. I do hope that Biden steps aside, but doubt that he will. That said, I believe many planning to vote for Biden were primarily planning to vote against letting Trump get back in office.

I became an American citizen in 2008, believing that America was a great nation, but I have certainly lost faith in that notion. It has been so obvious from the very beginning of his candidacy in 2015 that Trump is amoral. His words, deeds, criminality have shown us every day since then that he is completely unworthy, yet he has a large cult following that and the vast majority of elected Republicans are too cowardly to speak truth to power.

Yesterday's supreme court (lower case intended) ruling on immunity has me feeling that there is little hope for this country. Having already delayed hearing the case for more than six months, they rule that he essentially is immune from prosecution for anything he has already done and likely will do much more of if re-elected. And this after he tried to steal the election. Sonia Sotomayor's words are true and chilling. It's like the conservative member of the court are doing Trump's bidding. And he appointed three of the six that made this incredulous ruling. Are we living in a Banana Republic?

That ruling has made it all the more imperative that the Democratic Party candidate MUST defeat Trump. Now it is about even more than saving our democracy, but also fixing a radical and corrupt supreme court.

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